Wednesday, September 28, 2016

First Semester at FIT, NYC Life Style

First Semester

First Semester at FIT did not start off hitch free. One of the major hitches was that my entire department goes on summer break including the department chair. So I spent the summer emailing different professor, and meet with advisement. This may have been because I am a transfer student heading into my junior year. Regardless, it should not be a process that’s taken care of at the last minute. I did however get all the classes I needed, at the times I wanted. The bursar’s office is like most school a very unpleasant experience. At one point I was told that I would be receiving a $400 dollar refund from a scholarship, and then the next week I was told that I owed them $175 dollars. However I am a couple weeks into the semester and I am I loving it. My classes are challenging, I am learning so much and working really hard and learning a lot. I am enjoying because it’s exactly where I want to be and what I want to learn.

NYC Life Style

The NYC lifestyle however is a whole other story, it completely crazy so I have like three jobs. On my days off from two of the jobs I have my classes so I technically don’t really have any days off which hopefully are only for a short. I am hoping to work doubles two days a week so I only I will have four days off. This way I will have more time to for enjoy the city, update this blog and workout. All the jobs are going to pay off soon however I have a really great post Birthday trip planned for January that I can’t wait to share. I also have quite a few other adventures planned for 2017 that I can’t wait to share. I planning on sharing more vegetarian recipes soon, as well as great city eats. This was just a quick updates, will be sharing more soon check out my Instagram I recently visited Venice Beach, California for 14 hours maybe I will share that complete story soon...

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